Learn the surprising data about what customers say about premium increases and how they want them addressed.
Finally get the answer to the question, "To Call or Not to Call", what the data says about taking a proactive vs. reactive approach.
Learn what the 4 things are that you absolutely must do BEFORE making the call to your customer that will make the conversation go much more smoothly.
Learn and practice the 5-Stop-GPS (or talk-path) that you can use to speak to customers who have experienced a rate increase... no matter what the reason is for the increase.
Learn how to deal with the most common objections you will hear from customers about their premium increase.
Learn the 4 things you should do after the conversation, whether you're successful in retaining them or not.
Greg will come to you to deliver on-site training live and in person scheduled on the date and time and at the venue of your choosing.
We’ll set up a pre-training consultation meeting so that YOU can decide what training objectives and outcomes are most relevant and needed for YOUR team in real time.
Your training will be tailored to align with your agency’s culture, policies, and procedures so that the skills learned will be plug and play in your specific agency environmant.
You'll have the opportunity to choose from over a dozen proven high impact training topics so that you can focus on targeting the outcomes of writing more new business, moving the needle upward for customer retention, or both.
You’ll have the option to focus on a single topic, combine topics or, if need be, we can custom design training just for you so that the training is laser focused on what YOU believe is most important.
Every participant will receive an interactive workbook as a takeaway so that you and your staff can reference or revisit the training materials and content whenever you wish.
We’ll schedule a virtual post training session with you and your team so that you can either follow up with a deeper dive and Q&A from the last training topic OR you can utilize the follow-up session for a different training topic altogether. YOUR CHOICE!
If you buy the 20 Hour package, you’ll receive the bonus of an additional 2 hours of training. That’s 22 hours of LIVE training in total!
Travel expenses for On-Site Training will be invoiced separately.
Virtual training scheduled on the date and time of your choosing
We’ll set up a pre-training consultation meeting so that YOU can decide what training objectives and outcomes are most relevant and needed for YOUR team in real time.
Your training will be tailored to align with your agency’s culture, policies, and procedures so that the skills learned will be plug and play in your specific agency environment.
You'll have the opportunity to choose from over a dozen proven high impact training topics so that you can focus on targeting the outcomes of writing more new business, moving the needle upward for customer retention, or both.
You’ll have the option to focus on a single topic, combine topics or, if need be, we can custom design training just for you so that the training is laser focused on what YOU believe is most important.
Every participant will receive an interactive workbook as a takeaway so that you and your staff can reference or revisit the training materials and content whenever you wish.
If you buy the 20 Hour package, you’ll receive the bonus of an additional 2 hours of training. That’s 22 hours of LIVE training in total!
Training is up to 2 hours in duration
Travel expenses for On-Site Training will be invoiced separately.
You’ll have the option to focus on a single topic or combine topics for your single training session with Greg.
We can further customize the training so it is laser focused on what YOU believe is most important.
Every participant will receive an interactive workbook as a takeaway so that you and your staff can reference or revisit the training materials and content whenever you wish.
We’ll schedule a virtual post training session with you and your team so that you can either follow up with a deeper dive and Q&A from the last training topic OR you can utilize the follow-up session for a different training topic altogether. YOUR CHOICE!
Training is up to 2 hours in duration
Travel expenses for On-Site Training will be invoiced separately.