"Desperately Seeking Service":

Why Satisfaction Is
Yesterday's Goal

Welcome to "Desperately Seeking Service," a program designed to transform your perspective on customer service and the modern service environment. Led by Greg, this engaging and thought-provoking program will take you on a journey through real-world service experiences, challenging you to examine the customer experience you provide and understand why "satisfaction" is no longer an acceptable goal.

Program Benefits

Participating in "Desperately Seeking Service" offers a range of valuable benefits:

  • Gain a fresh perspective on customer service and the contemporary service environment.

  • Understand the customer experience from the viewpoint of both internal and external customers.

  • Engage in an interactive exercise that reveals why loyal customers may defect and learn how to prevent it.

  • Embrace "Process Mastery" to elevate your customer service skills.

  • Discover why mere customer satisfaction is an outdated goal and learn to aim higher.

  • Hear the inspiring story of "Frank the Cab Driver" and the ten invaluable lessons he offers for excellent service.




  • I. Desperately Seeking Service

    • Get a glimpse of today's service environment.

    • See the world through the eyes of your internal and external customers.

    • Explore the subtle yet powerful message that customer service conveys.

    II. Why Loyal Customers (Internal and External) Defect

    • Engage in an interactive group exercise.

    • Discuss common reasons why internal and external customers choose other options over loyalty.

    • Embrace the concept of "Process Mastery" to enhance customer satisfaction.

    III. Why Satisfaction is Yesterday's Goal

    • Challenge the notion of settling for mediocrity.

    • Understand the dangers of making it "okay" to just be "okay."

    IV. Frank the Cab Driver

    • Learn 10 valuable lessons on exceptional service from an unlikely source.



Copyright © 2024 Greg Gray, Inc.


Package For You






Greg will come to you to deliver on-site training live and in person scheduled on the date and time and at the venue of your choosing.

We’ll set up a pre-training consultation meeting so that YOU can decide what training objectives and outcomes are most relevant and needed for YOUR team in real time.

Your training will be tailored to align with your agency’s culture, policies, and procedures so that the skills learned will be plug and play in your specific agency environmant.

You'll have the opportunity to choose from over a dozen proven high impact training topics so that you can focus on targeting the outcomes of writing more new business, moving the needle upward for customer retention, or both.

You’ll have the option to focus on a single topic, combine topics or, if need be, we can custom design training just for you so that the training is laser focused on what YOU believe is most important.

Every participant will receive an interactive workbook as a takeaway so that you and your staff can reference or revisit the training materials and content whenever you wish.

BONUS for on-site training

We’ll schedule a virtual post training session with you and your team so that you can either follow up with a deeper dive and Q&A from the last training topic OR you can utilize the follow-up session for a different training topic altogether. YOUR CHOICE!

If you buy the 20 Hour package, you’ll receive the bonus of an additional 2 hours of training. That’s 22 hours of LIVE training in total!

  • Travel expenses for On-Site Training will be invoiced separately.

Greg Gray - Live on Demand

10 hour On-site Package


Greg Gray - Live on Demand

20 hour On-site Package



Virtual training scheduled on the date and time of your choosing

We’ll set up a pre-training consultation meeting so that YOU can decide what training objectives and outcomes are most relevant and needed for YOUR team in real time.

Your training will be tailored to align with your agency’s culture, policies, and procedures so that the skills learned will be plug and play in your specific agency environment.

You'll have the opportunity to choose from over a dozen proven high impact training topics so that you can focus on targeting the outcomes of writing more new business, moving the needle upward for customer retention, or both.

You’ll have the option to focus on a single topic, combine topics or, if need be, we can custom design training just for you so that the training is laser focused on what YOU believe is most important.

Every participant will receive an interactive workbook as a takeaway so that you and your staff can reference or revisit the training materials and content whenever you wish.

If you buy the 20 Hour package, you’ll receive the bonus of an additional 2 hours of training. That’s 22 hours of LIVE training in total!

  • Training is up to 2 hours in duration

  • Travel expenses for On-Site Training will be invoiced separately.

Greg Gray - Live on Demand

10 hour Virtual Package


Greg Gray - Live on Demand

10 hour Virtual Package



You’ll have the option to focus on a single topic or combine topics for your single training session with Greg.

We can further customize the training so it is laser focused on what YOU believe is most important.

Every participant will receive an interactive workbook as a takeaway so that you and your staff can reference or revisit the training materials and content whenever you wish.

BONUS for on-site training

We’ll schedule a virtual post training session with you and your team so that you can either follow up with a deeper dive and Q&A from the last training topic OR you can utilize the follow-up session for a different training topic altogether. YOUR CHOICE!

  • Training is up to 2 hours in duration

  • Travel expenses for On-Site Training will be invoiced separately.

Single Program Virtual Training

Single Program On-Site Training