live on demand

live on demand

Transform Your Agency With Exclusive LIVE Training with

Greg Gray

Customized Learning Meets Unforgettable Experience

Welcome to the world of transformative training tailored exclusively for insurance agencies. Greg Gray brings his expertise, humor, and inspiration to your team, LIVE and in person. With a unique blend of customized topics, your agency will receive an unforgettable training experience that resonates deeply with your staff.

Transform Your Agency With Exclusive LIVE Training with

Greg Gray

Customized Learning Meets Unforgettable Experience

Welcome to the world of transformative training tailored exclusively for insurance agencies. Greg Gray brings his expertise, humor, and inspiration to your team, LIVE and in person. With a unique blend of customized topics, your agency will receive an unforgettable training experience that resonates deeply with your staff.

Any in-person presentation(s) up to 2 hrs in length (per day*): $7,500 $3,000

Any in-person presentation(s) up to 4 hrs in length (per day*): $10,000 $6,000

Full day of in-person presentations: $15,000 $10,000 

In addition to the speaking fee, the agency client is responsible for all travel related expenses including roundtrip airfare, lodging, meals, ground transportation, etc.

Benefits that last a lifetime

  • Exclusivity: Greg Gray delivers his most popular topics customized to your agency's needs and culture. Your team will feel the impact of personalized training created just for them.

  • Connection: Greg's training sessions instantly connect with your team. They'll feel as though they've been given a gift, creating a lasting impression that continues to inspire and motivate long after the training is over.

  • Unforgettable Experience: Agency owners who have hired Greg exclusively for their teams report that their team members continue to refer back to the training years later. The impact is profound, and many eagerly await Greg's return.

Pricing Details

  • In-person presentation(s) up to 2 hrs in length (per calendar day*): $7,500* $3,000

  • In-person presentation(s) up to 4 hrs in length (per calendar day*): $10,000* $6,000

  • Full day of in-person presentations: $15,000* $10,000

In addition to the speaking fee, the agency client is responsible for all travel-related expenses, including roundtrip airfare, lodging, meals, ground transportation, etc.

*Note: The fee amounts that show as strike-through above reflect Greg's full published fees for similar engagements.

P.S. Want to show gratitude to your referral partners? SAY LESS!

You can also hire Greg Gray to deliver an exceptional training session as a token of appreciation to the people who direct business your way. He's done that on a number of occasions before, and the impact has been immeasurable.

Program Topics

What Agents and Staff are saying about the LIVE Greg Gray Experience...

Take the next step towards transforming your insurance team, and say goodbye to ordinary training as you unlock the potential within your team exclusively with Greg Gray!

Contact us today to secure Greg Gray's exclusive training for your agency!




Closing more business even when you are more expensive
Recommended for Sales Staff

This training is designed to help your sales staff sell with more confidence and skill so they can experience more success writing new business especially when your price is higher than the competition by elevating the value of the agency. The course has a special focus on skill building in the areas of bundling and asking about life insurance and provides specific tactics to focus the conversation more on value and less on price.


How to give yourself the best chance to reconnect with prospects and customers

Recommended for Sales and Service Staff

This training provides step by step tools to decrease the chances that your staff will be “ghosted” by a prospect or client so that they can increase the likelihood of reconnecting with prospects and customers when follow-up is needed to close the sale or complete an important task.


Learning the 2 step approach that will revolutionize the way you handle any objection

Recommended for Sales and Service Staff

Most salespeople tend to throw in the towel when they receive an objection from a prospect. The fact is if they are objecting, that means they are still talking to you and if they are still talking to you are still in the game to win their business. In this training, Greg will inspire your team to move beyond simply trying to overcome objections to embracing them with enthusiasm with a 2-step approach for moving beyond the objection successfully, no matter what the objection may be, so that they can close more business with confidence and skill.


Why a "one size fits all approach" won’t help you close sales but this alternative approach will

Recommended for Sales and Service Staff

One style does not fit all in communications. In this fast paced, highly interactive workshop, you’ll gain powerful insights on what makes people react as they do, and specific strategies for “adapting” to 4 of the most common behavioral styles so that you can create stronger bonds with prospective and existing customers, close more sales, and boost your retention. No matter who you’re dealing with, the lesson of the Chameleon is clear - they don’t adapt to make a fashion statement, they adapt to survive!


What to do when you feel like you’re losing your way

Recomended for Agency Owners, Office Managers, Sales and Service Staff

No matter who you are, where you come from, or what you’ve accomplished in life you will inevitably be faced with a time where you feel as if your performance and your life has gotten off track. Even in those areas where you feel like you once had mastery, you can end up feeling like you are just spinning your wheels... so much so that it seems as if you are stuck in quicksand. In this program, Greg will take an unexpected approach to explaining how and why this happens and will provide you with a path to regaining traction in the most important areas of your life so that you can get back to producing and even exceeding the results that are expected of you.

FAQ image


How to get the behaviors you need from the people you need them from

Recommended for Agency Owners, Office Managers, Sales and Service Staff

Have you ever wondered why there are just some people that you can’t get to do what you want or need them to do? Sometimes it’s employees. Sometimes it’s sales prospects. Sometimes it’s even existing customers. This program is full of some surprising and thought-provoking insights as to why this could be the case and offers you practical and tactical strategies for getting the behaviors you’re looking for so that you can close more sales, retain more customers, and maintain a high functioning agency team.


Crafting stories that will effectively and efficiently move you closer to closing more sales

Recommended for Sales and Service Staff

Everyone has heard that facts tell, and stories sell, but that’s only the case if the story is well constructed and delivered with skill and precision. This training introduces Greg’s systematic 4+3 approach for building and shaping stories that will grab the attention of prospects so that they can be moved closer to saying the ultimate YES to becoming your customer. You bring the stories, and Greg will show you how to transform them to powerful narratives so that your team can close more sales.


What people really listen to

Recommended for Sales and Service Staff

Studies have shown that when others listen to us, only 7% of what they “hear” is words. That means that “93%” of what they “listen” to is our tone of voice and body language. In this workshop, Greg looks at some common applications and misapplications of “The 93% Rule” in personal and professional interaction and how it is impacting your ability to close sales and retain customers. It’s critical for you to master the discipline of tonality in every method of communication so that you can build the kind of rapport necessary to maintaining powerful relationships with prospective customers and existing customers alike. “The 93% Rule” is a message that everyone should “hear” and “listen” to.


Why “satisfaction” is yesterday’s goal

Recommended for Service Staff

In this program, Greg will take you through a series of funny and thought-provoking real-world service experiences and looks at them through the eyes of the people we are privileged to serve. Along the way, you’ll be challenged to look at the customer experience you’re providing in your agency and how to elevate it to an entirely different level so that you can not only hold on to more customers, but turn your service team into a referral lead generating machine as well.


Leveraging the power of referrals

Recommended for Sales and Service Staff

In sales there are basically 2 groups of people you get to call on. People you KNOW and People you DON’T KNOW. It’s possible to be successful calling on people you don’t know with good strategies and talk paths but calling on people you know or have been introduced to you by someone else has always been the Holy Grail of superior sales production. In this course, Greg will outline the all the critical components to getting more referrals and will move that theory into practice by showing you exactly what to say so that you can garner many more of them.


Delivering feedback more efficiently with greater impact and less friction

Recommended for Agency Owners, Office Managers

Agency owners often report that they would probably do a better job of giving feedback to others if they only had more time to do it. While we can’t give you more time in this workshop, we can give you a practical and tactical roadmap for giving feedback that is both highly efficient and highly effective and one that will reduce the friction that often results from feedback conversations. The road to better performance is paved with effective feedback, and it’s important that you know how to do it with great skill so that you can maintain a high level of operational excellence and high morale in your agency


Package For You






Greg will come to you to deliver on-site training live and in person scheduled on the date and time and at the venue of your choosing.

We’ll set up a pre-training consultation meeting so that YOU can decide what training objectives and outcomes are most relevant and needed for YOUR team in real time.

Your training will be tailored to align with your agency’s culture, policies, and procedures so that the skills learned will be plug and play in your specific agency environmant.

You'll have the opportunity to choose from over a dozen proven high impact training topics so that you can focus on targeting the outcomes of writing more new business, moving the needle upward for customer retention, or both.

You’ll have the option to focus on a single topic, combine topics or, if need be, we can custom design training just for you so that the training is laser focused on what YOU believe is most important.

Every participant will receive an interactive workbook as a takeaway so that you and your staff can reference or revisit the training materials and content whenever you wish.

BONUS for on-site training

We’ll schedule a virtual post training session with you and your team so that you can either follow up with a deeper dive and Q&A from the last training topic OR you can utilize the follow-up session for a different training topic altogether. YOUR CHOICE!

If you buy the 20 Hour package, you’ll receive the bonus of an additional 2 hours of training. That’s 22 hours of LIVE training in total!

  • Travel expenses for On-Site Training will be invoiced separately.

Greg Gray - Live on Demand

10 hour On-site Package


Greg Gray - Live on Demand

20 hour On-site Package



Virtual training scheduled on the date and time of your choosing

We’ll set up a pre-training consultation meeting so that YOU can decide what training objectives and outcomes are most relevant and needed for YOUR team in real time.

Your training will be tailored to align with your agency’s culture, policies, and procedures so that the skills learned will be plug and play in your specific agency environment.

You'll have the opportunity to choose from over a dozen proven high impact training topics so that you can focus on targeting the outcomes of writing more new business, moving the needle upward for customer retention, or both.

You’ll have the option to focus on a single topic, combine topics or, if need be, we can custom design training just for you so that the training is laser focused on what YOU believe is most important.

Every participant will receive an interactive workbook as a takeaway so that you and your staff can reference or revisit the training materials and content whenever you wish.

If you buy the 20 Hour package, you’ll receive the bonus of an additional 2 hours of training. That’s 22 hours of LIVE training in total!

  • Training is up to 2 hours in duration

  • Travel expenses for On-Site Training will be invoiced separately.

Greg Gray - Live on Demand

10 hour Virtual Package


Greg Gray - Live on Demand

10 hour Virtual Package



You’ll have the option to focus on a single topic or combine topics for your single training session with Greg.

We can further customize the training so it is laser focused on what YOU believe is most important.

Every participant will receive an interactive workbook as a takeaway so that you and your staff can reference or revisit the training materials and content whenever you wish.

BONUS for on-site training

We’ll schedule a virtual post training session with you and your team so that you can either follow up with a deeper dive and Q&A from the last training topic OR you can utilize the follow-up session for a different training topic altogether. YOUR CHOICE!

  • Training is up to 2 hours in duration

  • Travel expenses for On-Site Training will be invoiced separately.

Single Program Virtual Training

Single Program On-Site Training

Copyright © 2024 Greg Gray, Inc.